Our passion is to invent and implement smart and sustainable traffic solutions for our cities, highways and for the state border crossings. Traffest - smart solutions for road users!

The story of Traffest started in 1991 when the engineering office Foor was created. The main electronic and smart traffic system at that time was the system of traffic lights, which is the reason why it was taken as the company name (Foor means a traffic light in Estonian). The increase in the number of vehicles and the rise in the standard of living led to an increase in electronic traffic solutions to assist drivers not only in the cities, but at borders and on highways too. The engineering office Foor was a pioneer in the development and construction of such solutions in Estonia. A traffic light no longer was the only device that regulated traffic. Variable message signs, traffic sensors and many other devices using advanced technology were added. Smart traffic began to be more and more connected with the field of information technology.

In 2020, we understood that the time is ripe to take into use a brand with a new name, which would better respond to the renewed environment and new challenges. The name chosen was Traffest, which is a symbiosis of traffic, the ambition to be the best in the field and pride in the image of Estonia as a successful IT country. The words "traffic, best and Estonia" have been blended into one sonorous real name, the meaning of which, while looking to the future, is also widely understood in the international markets.
The world as well as traffic and understanding the priorities of traffic are all changing. A vehicle is no longer considered the sole ruler in traffic for a long time already. All road users have an equal right to reach their destination safely and problem-free.

We stand to make traffic safer, smoother and more sustainable as the Traffest brand carriers. We are constantly developing in cooperation with our good clients and partners, as well as using our trustworthy technology to increase the quality of traffic. Traffest - smart solutions for road users.


  • Viljar Nurme

    Chairman of the Board, CEO

    Tallinn department

  • Ermo Soon

    Member of the Board, Technical Manager

    Tallinn department

  • Joonas Laks

    ITS project manager, highway

    Tallinn department

  • Kaupo Kama

    Area Manager, Intelligent Transport Systems

    Tartu department

  • Janar Sokk

    Area Manager, Traffic Management Equipment

    Tartu department

  • Arvo Kasesaar

    Area Manager, Intelligent Transport Systems

    Pärnu department

Vision, Mission, Values

  • Vision

    Be the preferred partner for the client in creating and preserving smart traffic solutions

  • Mission

    Create, develop and maintain quality and smart solutions for road users

  • Values

    • Expertise
    • Trustworthiness
    • Intelligence
    • Cooperation